Child Data

British child statures and weights (2 to 17 years) are from the Department of Health 'Health Survey for England' 2003-5.

US child statures and weights (2 to 17 years) are from the National Center for Health Statistics, NHANES 2003-6.

The HUMAG Research Group also measured 2000 children aged between 4 and 6 years and 10,000 boys and girls aged from 7 to 16 years, in 1986. The data have been brought up to date using the technique described in Estimation Methods.

Other sources of data used were Snyder et al 1977 and DIN 33 402. No up to date stature or weight data were found for German children.

Standard deviations were capped where necessary to limit the Coefficients of Variation (SD/Mean*100). Standard deviations tend to be too big in small samples, and child data often suffer from this problem because of the division of the total sample into 15 age groups.
