A Site For. Sore Backs


Sitting is a chance for your back to recover from the stresses of daily activities*. You can enjoy this recovery if your seat supports your back well.

It should allow the muscles, ligaments and tendons in your back to relax, and align the spine so that the discs between your vertebrae are a nice even shape. A good seat will also give you low pressure under the large muscles of the buttocks and thighs, to maintain their blood flow.

*If you hardly have any daily activities, because your job is sitting down all day, remember you need to exercise to keep your back in good shape!

Top Tips
 Sit without slumping. This may take effort as most of us are habitual slumpers. Unless your chair is exceptionally well designed you will benefit from using a separate back support to convert your seat-back to the correct shape. This will give support to the lower back area and help keep it in the correct posture.
 Choose a chair that has a bottom-cushion short enough for your buttocks to reach the backrest while your back is erect. Otherwise you will be forced to slump. If you need to, pad out the backrest with cushions, finishing with a small cushion not at the bottom but in the small of your back.
 Choose a chair that is low enough to put your feet on the floor without creating high pressure under your thighs. Otherwise, put something under your feet - a footrest, a box or a foam cushion. A seat that's set too high tends to make people slide forward into a slumped posture. Because standard desk height was chosen for paper work, MOST people will benefit from a footrest when using a computer (when your elbows should be at desk height).
 Make sure your shoulders or head are not being pushed forward by the seat. This is a very subtle cause of discomfort and back stress.
 If you use a computer, visit www.openerg.com/dse to check over your workstation setup.
 Learn an understanding of the structure of the back, to help control how you load it.

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