
The data you view can be exported to new files for your own use, or sent to the Clipboard for pasting into a document in any Windows application.

Every time you click an "Export" button the displayed data, and optionally the illustration, are exported, creating a history of your sessions.

The files can be Opened into your existing applications software such as spreadsheets and word processors, for printing, analysis or editing .

If you set the Export settings to 'Clipboard', you can store one or more export items in memory then Paste them into an existing document.

Using a spreadsheet to make initial design decisions can be very helpful, because it facilitates adjustment of the anthropometry data into well-considered design specifications. Generally you should go through a separate and deliberate 'specification' process, rather than translating anthropometry data directly into design sizes (see Anthropometry).

The word processor format created by PeopleSize is .RTF (Rich Text Format), which can be opened or imported by nearly all word-processors. Both data and illustrations can be included, making a basis for a report document. If you have a word processor installed, it will run automatically if you select the 'File', Open Current Export File' command. This allows you to work directly in your familiar report-writing application (see also: Windows word-processors).

Also Export files can be added to existing documents (look in your other applications for commands like "Import", "Insert", or "Place").

If you use PeopleSize illustrations or data displays in external reports, please acknowledge the copyright owner with a reference such as

"Reproduced from PeopleSize by permission of Open Ergonomics Ltd", or

"PeopleSize software, Open Ergonomics Ltd".

See also:

Changing Export Files

Deleting Export Files

